회장 및 부회장 동정소식
총무사역 동정소식
교협 총회일정
교협 소식 (뉴스)


주지사의 행정명령으로 교회 모임을 어떻게 해야 할지 목사님들의 고민이 많을 줄 압니다.
뉴욕주 교협 사무총장인 피터 쿡(Rev. Peter Cook)이 보내온 서신이 참고 가 되시길 바랍니다.
대뉴욕지구 한인교회협의회 회장 양민석 목사 

Below is the text of a letter from the New York State Council of Churches regarding clarifications on public worship and pastoral care from a consultation with Governor Cuomo. Please distribute as you see fit:


Since my Corona Virus update earlier this afternoon, I wish to add a few points and clarifications in response to queries concerning the Governor’s Executive Order.

오늘오후일찍나의Corona Virus에관한내용이업데이트되기때문에나는주지사의행정명령(Executive  Order)관한질의에대한응답으로몇가지점과설명을추가하고싶습니다.

In the Governor’s directive, everyone was ordered to stay in their homes as much as possible and to only leave your home


종용한다. 단절대적으로집을떠나직장에가야할필요한사람은

허용한다. 하나비필요한직원은직장으로부터멀어져집에머무르기

를부탁한다. 더불어서주지사님께서본질적인직원과불필요한직원을구분하는가이드라인을제공하셨습니다

if it is absolutely necessary. Moreover, non-essential employees were asked to stay home from work. Additionally, the Governor offered guidance on how essential and non-essential employees are defined. I was asked by two of our judicatory leaders to clarify the order with the Governor’s Office as it relates to public worship. According to the Governor’s Office for Faith Based Initiatives:

저는두명의사법당국자들에게공공예배와관련하여주지사사무실의명령을명확히하라는요청을받았습니다. 주지사의신앙기반이니셔티브의( Faith Based Initiatives Office)사무실에따르면:


1.  Faith leaders can continue to record services and live stream using their equipment in their sanctuaries and are not required to do so from home.

  1. 신앙지도자는예배당에서장비를사용하여서비스와라이브스트림을계속녹화할수있으며집에서할필요는없습니다.

2.  The Governor’s office, even with the emergency order in place, has said that “houses of worship are not ordered closed however it is strongly recommended no congregate services be held and social distance maintained” as noted in the definition of essential and non essential defined above.

While the Governor slightly relaxed the restriction for in person worship, you should know most of our judicatories have called on their congregations to cancel all in person worship services to safe guard the health of parishioners and their communities.

주지사사무실은, 비록비상사태가선포되었음에도불구하고, “예배용주택들은폐쇄되지는않지만, 위에정의된필수적이고비필수적인것의정의에명시된대로, 어떠한공공예배가개최되지않고사회적거리도유지되지않는것이강력히권고된다고말했다.

주지사가직접예배에대한제한을약간완화시킨반면, 우리의사법부팀이교구민들과그들의지역사회의건강을안전하게지키기위해회중예배들을모두취소하도록그들의성도들에게요청했다는것을알아야합니다.

My own commentary, as one who has served as a pastor in three congregations, is that faith leaders really need to ask themselves, out of love for the people they serve, whether they wish to place parishioners at risk given the recommended abundance of caution and very strict protocols which are in place for other businesses and gathering places.  Clergy also have a responsibility to preserve their health and that of their families.

세개의교회에서목사로일했던사람으로서제자신의논평은종교지도자들이정말로, 그들이섬기고있는사람들을사랑하기때문에, 그들이다른사업들과집회에적합한매우엄격한의도와권고된주의풍성함을감안하여교구민들을위험에처하기를원하는지아닌지, 그들자신에게물어봐야할필요가있다는것입니다.  성직자들은또한그들의건강과그들의가족들의안전을보호할책임이있습니다

I would suggest alternative pastoral choices at this time might better include phone trees or pastoral calls by phone or to the entire membership to check in and determine if there are needs. Again, this would be a good time to organize a small Covid-19 response team. Messages, prayers and music (as long as its copyright protected) can be transmitted with something as simple as a smart phone or use of other technologies like Zoom. In rural communities, broadband or cell service may be more limited and use of land lines may be required. Please refer to New York State Council of Churches’ Corona Virus Guide for Pastoral Leaders, Judicatories and Congregations by clicking here for pointers on use of technology and/or reach out to your judicatory office for guidance.

현재로서는대체목회선택에전화트리또는전화또는전체회원에대한목회전화가포함되어체크인이필요한지여부를결정하는것이좋습니다. 다시한번, 소규모Covid-19 대응팀을구성하기에좋은시기입니다. 메시지,기도및음악(저작권이보호되는한)은스마트폰처럼간단하게또는Zoom과같은다른기술을사용하여전송할수있습니다. 농촌지역에서는광대역또는셀서비스가더제한적일수있으며유선회선을사용해야할수도있습니다. 기술사용에대한지시사항및/ 또는지도를위해사법실에연락하려면뉴욕주립교회협의회(New York State Council of Churches)”목회지도자, 사법부및회중을위한코로나바이러스안내서(Corona Virus Guide)를참조하십시오.

Again, this would be a good moment to call each one of your members to check in, determine how best to reach people given their technology, and to up date your records. Don’t forget to reach out to the elderly, those in congregant care and prisons along with the families of the infirm and incarcerated who cannot visit loved ones. Also consider parents struggling to maintain jobs while attending to children at home, immigrants including the undocumented, college students, and others who may not be able to access benefits because of legal restrictions or because they are self employed. Chaplains in Department of Corrections must continue to go to work but, as of today, cannot hold common worship. Please reach out to your chaplains and other colleagues to lend support. 

다시한번, 각회원에게전화하여체크인하고, 기술을부여받은사람들에게가장잘연락하는방법을결정하고, 기록을업데이트할수있는좋은순간입니다. 노인, 친척간호및교도소에있는사람들, 사랑하는사람을방문할수없는약자및수감자의가족들과연락하는것을잊지마십시오. 또한서류미비, 대학생을포함한이민자, 법적인제약으로인해또는자영업으로인해혜택을받을수없는다른사람들을방문하면서직장을유지하기위해고군분투하는부모를고려하십시오. 교도소의채플린은계속일을해야하지만, 현재로서는공공예배를가질수없습니다. 채플린들( 교도소원목들)과다른동료들에게도움을청하십시오.

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